

PoKeys57CNC is a blend between general purpose PoKeys device and motor controller. The device is targeted primarily for controlling up to 8 STEP/DIR signal driven motors (stepper motors, servo drives, etc.) in various applications with the addition of powerful PoKeys device features. Device contains dedicated connectors for connections with motor drivers, pendants, (HD44780-compatible) LCD module, etc. In addition, 5 analog inputs with 12-bit resolution are available. The device also features four galvanically-isolated open-collector outputs and isolated 0 to 10 V analog output.




  • Supported by Mach4 and Mach3 PoKeys plugins
  • Compatible with USB 1.1/2.0 HID standard,
  • standard English USB keyboard simulation (with triggering support for up/down keys),
  • standard USB joystick simulation (6 axes, 32 buttons with triggering support),
  • Ethernet 10/100 with DHCP client or fixed IP support,
  • TCP or UDP connection with the device,
  • Modbus TCP support (access to digital IO, analog inputs, encoder values, digital counters values, PWM outputs, LCD display, PoExtBus devices, matrix keyboard status),
  • web interface with newly designed dashboard and I/O status display with multiple user accounts,
  • 28 digital inputs or outputs (software configurable) with pull-up resistors and available as virtual USB keyboard keys. There are additional 4 dedicated digital outputs,
  • 5 analog inputs (12-bit) with digital low-pass filtering (4 analog inputs also include analog low-pass filter with 1.9 kHz cut-off frequency),
  • multiple encoder pair inputs with three additional dedicated high-speed encoder and one ultra high-speed encoder inputs,
  • digital counters on specific digital input pins,
  • high performance 8-axis 125 kHz pulse engine with dedicated motor connectors,
  • up to 16×8 matrix keyboard with triggered keys/alternate function support,
  • up to 5 high-speed fully configurable PWM outputs (25MHz PWM timer) – two of them with open-collector transistor outputs,
  • Dedicated connector for HD44780-based character LCD support (up to 4×20 characters),
  • Dedicated connector for PoPendant1
  • PoExtBus support for adding up to 10 external shift registers (e.g. PoExtBusOC16, PoExtBusRE, etc.),
  • PoNET devices support (48-key CNC keyboard),
  • fail-safe support in case of communication interruption,
  • support for up to 100 sensors, that can be connected to I2C bus, 1-wire bus or on the general purpose analog inputs,
  • intuitive and user-friendly software,
  • third-party support via communication DLL library and extensive protocol specification document that allows porting to other systems.