MANUAL tool change spindles
HFP Spindles
We offer high speed spindles for intensive industrial use at the highest quality and service demands. Whether for industrial use, high-quality shop floors or production machines – the HFP-series offer professional quality at attractive prices…
HFP-DRILL Spindles
Drill Spindles within our HFP-Series are especially designed for low-speed drilling and processing of steel or non-ferrous metals. The use of special motors guarantees high-torque RPM’s at a compact-sized design...
HFP-MULTI Spindles
The HFP-Multi spindle series are designed for milling steels and non-ferrous metals. Through the increased torque at low and nominal speeds of up to 24.000 RPM, such materials can be flexibly processed with a very broad power band...
AUTOMATIC tool change spindles
ATC Spindles
The ATC-Series spindles have a pneumatic cone change for best use in part or fully-automated production processes. We ship with SK20, SK30, SK40 and HSK25 interfaces by default, additional construction types can be delivered upon request...
DTC Spindles
The spindles of the DTC-Series are equipped with a pneumatic direct tool change for best use in part- or fully-automated production processes. As standard we deliver our spindles of the DTC-Series with a WZF06 clamping collet within a clamping range from 3 mm to 6 mm...